The Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats decided to support the current head of state in the coming presidential election. Immediately after this decision a variety of possible reasons were publicly explored as to why this decision was made; maybe the Conservatives have no better candidates, it makes sense to support the election favorite, Dalia Grybauskaite is the party's representative, and so forth. However, the Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party claims that the choice was simple, because, in their opinion, the current President's second term would be the best choice for the country.
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IP 2003:c3:1f3e:fe7c:35f3:38b3:c2be:ee0d | 23:45:22
Mano manymu sitas ilgas (man jisai visai negrazus ) nors as ne cenzūraas galiu spresti apie moteriska gimine)jam mano nuomone geriausiai kas gali sviestis tai stoveti prie svedbankio langelio ir tai jeigu ji priims...