Following the Constitutional Court's interpretation of procedures for reporting the General Prosecutor's responsibilities and dismissal, the head of the parliament pointed out that, perhaps because the constitutional court has become the state's highest governing body, the judges should maybe be elected by the people, because then their decisions would be independent. At present, under the Lithuanian Constitution, candidates for Constitutional Court are provided by the President, Chair of the Parliament and President of the Supreme Court and the Parliament appoints them.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 19:02:44
Tie etatiniai nuo sovietų like vakcinuoti, mokslus baige sovietinėse dezinformacijos universitetuose sėkmingai pučia miglą jau šiais laikais,sovietai išėjo ,bet jų parenkti kadrai iš akrano nedingsta....
Ten tigrinės krevetės
IP | 18:45:42
ne Baltijos tigrai. Šaldytos didžiosios tigrinės krevetės. ...
IP | 18:42:57
Paleckis tik RENGESI daryti nusikaltima ir jis uzta jau sedi, o mokytoja Astra nusikaltima ORGANIZAVO,ir tik lygtinai...