2024 m. rugsėjo 18 d.


Chairperson Graužinienė says "Parliament is ready to take responsibility for a coherent foreign policy"

Paskelbta: 2013-10-10 20:07 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Chair of the Lithuanian Parliament Loreta Graužinienė. ELTA photo
Chair of the Lithuanian Parliament Loreta Graužinienė. ELTA photo

Returning to Lithuania after an official visit to Georgia, Chair of the Parliament Loreta Graužinienė expressed her negative opionion of the fact that there is not a single entity responsible for foreign policy in Lithuania; it is split between the government and the president.

"If a consensus is not reached, the Parliament is determined to take full responsibility for a single foreign policy," the Chairman of the Parliament said.

After an official visit to Georgia and while visiting the Ukraine on the way back to Lithuania the parliamentary leader says that the situation between Lithuania and Russia is being closely monitored. According to her, after returning from the mission she is going to immediately clarify the situation because when responsibilities are divided, as in any other field, it is not completely clear who will do the work.

Elta, ekspertai.eu inf.

Ekspertai.eu asserts that since 2009 Lithuania's foreign policy has become, in a word, anarchist, and we are observing yet another shameful situation. At a time when huge losses facing Lithuanian businessmen should have the highest state political support, the president and prime minister have allowed themselves to play metaphorical tennis, and they should take responsibility for avoiding political communication with Russia.

However, under the Constitution, the president is required to form the idea of ​​a common foreign policy, and the government's job is to implement it. The president clearly has responsibility for strategy.

Declaring that she will not fulfill some of her responsibilities relating to the Eastern political space, as she publicly stated, and imposing them on the government at her own discretion, President Grybauskaite, in the most subjective ekspertai.eu opinion, violated the Lithuanian Constitution. The President’s actions should be considered with respect to the law.

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