2025 m. vasario 9 d.


Closing remarks were heard today in the case of terrorism suspect Eglė Kusaitė

Paskelbta: 2013-11-26 20:57 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Dr. Kęstutis Stungys, defense attorney for the terrorism suspect Eglė Kusaitė, and then prosecutor Mindaugas Dūda appealed against the sentence handed down by the Vilnius Regional Court on the 30th of May, which sentenced Ms. Kusaitė to 10 months in prison (just as much as she was imprisoned during the investigation).

Mr. Stungys said that he was asking for exactly the same thing now as he has been asking for three years - for her complete exoneration.

Meanwhile the Prosecution Service  has requested a sentence of ten years for the young woman. (Mr. Dūda, who left his post, was replaced by prosecutor Arūnas Urbelis)

Just as in the circumstances of the Gataev family, who were granted political asylum  , this case also bears witness to a complete fiasco perpertrated by the State Security Department and the Prosecution Service , and it is only a matter of time before criminals who acted on the behalf of the state are accused of their crimes.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
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