2024 m. spalio 14 d.


Commission is set to appeal to Lithuania’s General Prosecutor’s Office regarding major violations in the Visaginas Nuclear Power Plan public procurement rprocess

Paskelbta: 2013-10-21 16:08 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

The Lithuanian Parliament’s Temporary Investigation Commission, which has been assessing the work of the previous government in the power industry, decided to appeal to the General Prosecutor’s Office, National Audit Office and the Public Procurement Office regarding possible major violations of acts of law when implementing the public procurement of the Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant ( VNPP) project and defending public interests.

The Temporary Investigation Commission made this decision on Friday during a meeting regarding the evaluation of implementation of goals formulated in the 2007 national energy strategy and the situation in the energy sector. During the meeting, General Director Dalius Misiūnas of Lietuvos energija (Eng. Lithuanian Energy) presented the report of the procurement management audit of 2010-2012.

After hearing the General Director’s report on the procurement of “legal, consulting and public services" in the VNPP,, the commission decided to appeal to the General Prosecutor's Office, National Audit Office and the Public Procurement Office.

“In 2010-2012, in the closed joint-stock company Lithuanian Energy there were no valid provisions of Public procurement laws and they were not followed, and officials possibly might have abused their official position by exceeding the powers granted to them, and may have even managed to lose procurement documents. The commission members were shocked that millions of Litas were spent on legal services for the preparation of provisions of acts of law and consultants for identification of investors and organizing meetings with them,” Artūras Skardžius, the Chairman of the Commission said.

Information from „Žinių radijo“, Eltos, and ekspertai.eu

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