2025 m. vasario 7 d.


Conservative Party members are concerned that some Lithuanian public figures might be under the influence of the secret services of other countries

Paskelbta: 2014-01-14 14:51 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Conservatives Mantas Adomėnas and Liutauras Kazlavickas appealed to members of the Lithuanian parliament regarding attempts to compromise the country's president and the state.

Mr. Adomėnas said that at the moment there are information attacks against the president with attempts to compromise her concerning the alleged disclosure of a Secret Service Department memo. He went on to say that what is happening is namely what was predicted and warned about in the memo. This makes him concerned that certain public figures may be under the control of the secret service agencies of other countries.

Signer of the act re-establishing Lithuania's independence Zigmas Vaišvila, who has been accused of compromising the president by Conservatives, claims that the assertions are completely poorly written and deliberately misleading.
Meanwhile, Mr. Vaišvila does not consider his public remarks about the president compromising. According to him, the president in covering up her own biography has already compromised herself enough.

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