2025 m. vasario 7 d.


Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverovičius said that the final decision on the construction of the new Visaginas nuclear power plant should be available as soon as the first half of the year

Paskelbta: 2014-01-16 16:05 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

After a closed meeting of the government Lithuania's Minister of Energy said that everything to do with the new nuclear power plant depends on them and on the regional strategic partners and a strategic investor. He went on to say that the plan that was finalized today enables them to make these decisions in the first half of this year. Mr. Neverovičius also confirmed that the findings of a study by the Swedish consulting company Gothia Power are favorable to nuclear power plant construction. Incidentally, the people of Lithuania clearly spoke out against a new nuclear power plant in the country when they voted against construction in a referendum on the issue.

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