On a Lithuanian Radio and Television show the ambassador revealed that he had heard from Russian President Vladimir Putin himself of genuine fears that relations with Lithuania have not been going in the right direction, which suggests that the leader of Russia finds it important. At the same time, the diplomat expressed his desire to return to work in Lithuania, but also finds it hard to imagine that President Grybauskaite would like to see him occupying high public office. However, following the completion of his recent work Vygaudas Usackas still plans to return home and to actively engage in political activities.
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IP 2a02:678:54f:8200:9458:889d:b269:cf13 | 12:06:34
Mažiukų po vieną neprima, kam gaišti laiką....
Baigti karą ukruose
IP | 11:53:21
Trumpo planas užbaigti karą Ukrainoje nutekėjo žiniasklaidai.
Išėjęs į pensiją generolas Keithas Kellogas, prezidento D. Trumpo pasiuntinys Ukrainos ir Rusijos karui, patvirtino, kad kitą savaitę dalyvaus Miuncheno saugumo konferencijoje, tačiau atmetė žinias, kad atskleis D. Trumpo taikos planą ka...
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rusai nezino kur detis, kai atsijungiam nuo ju elektros sistemos, tai varo tolaiu savo propaganda pries Nauseda...