In an open letter to the citizens of Lithuania, some researchers and artists wrote: It is virtually impossible to achieve personal positive changes in the state through parliamentary or European Parliament elections. Lithuanian members of the EU parliament are powerless to defend national interests, and most of the Lithuanian Seimas consists of a closed circle of parties serving special interest groups. The authors of the letter see calling a referendum as the only way out of the situation that is so vital to the survival of the nation.
More than 300 000 signatures of Lithuanian citizens pursuing the goal that the entire nation vote have have already been collected, but referendum opponents are hindering the process. The letter also said that after the opponents united and filled almost the entire public space, they named both realistic and unrealistic risks of the referendum, and, by doing so, they not only deny the acceptability of a separate referendum but also the acceptability of the constitutional norm itself. The letter concludes that this is a very dangerous political trend.