2025 m. vasario 9 d.


Georgia’s richest museum to bring historical artifacts to Vilnius for the first time

Paskelbta: 2013-11-22 13:41 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

On Friday the 22nd of November, the Georgian Embassy in Lithuania and the Lithuanian Art Museum in Vilnius opened an exhibition of historical artifacts from Georgia, which presents three distinct Bronze Age and early Antiquity period exhibits from Niko Berdzenishvili Kutaisi State Historical Museum. The exhibition will also have information stands and run until January 15, 2014.

This exhibition is a part of a cultural project entitled Georgian Art in Vilnius organized by the Georgian embassy. This presentation of Georgian culture in Vilnius coincides with one of the most important events of Lithuania’s EU presidency – The Eastern Partnership Summit.

The Georgian ambassador to Lithuania stated that in introducing this cultural program, they hope to show the Georgian spirit to Lithuania and to once again emphasize the strong ties that have connected the two countries for centuries. The ambassador elaborated that although Georgian culture is well known in Lithuania, by introducing this program they want to offer to Lithuania a wide spectrum of contemporary art whose roots are in Georgia’s past.    

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


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