Today, Head of the State Security Department (SSD) of the Republic of Lithuania Gediminas Grina and Prosecutor General Darius Valys have been invited to a plenary meeting at the Lithuanian Parliament during which they have to answer to questions of members of the Parliament related with new circumstances regarding the disclosure of a state secret.
Members of Parliament would like to know whether on the 14th of November Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė asked Director of the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania (SIS) Saulius Urbanavičius and his Deputy Director Žydrūnas Bartkus to a meeting with her.
Members of the Parliament noted that the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania prohibits putting any kind of pressure on officials conducting pre-trial investigation and prosecutors controlling investigations.
Parliamentarians are going to ask if the President told the SIS heads not to bring charges against Chief Adviser to the President Daiva Ulbinaitė, or if the President told General Prosecutor Darius Valys to immediately return to work and cancel his business trip abroad, during which it was planned to bring allegations against Ms. Ulbinaitė, so that these allegations would not be brought, and other questions.
Info by Elta,
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yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:6::58 | 02:27:23
ar bent viena rusofobinė kalė galėtų paaiškinti, kokių jie laukė "maskvos trikdžių", ir kaip jie tuos "trikdžius" techniškai įsivaizdavo savo liguistose, iškrypėliškose fantazijose ? :))) rusija, matai, turėtų trukdyti idiotams pjauti šaką, ant kurios jie sėdi, ir toliau žlugdyti...
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