Representatives of the Japanese energy company Hitachi came to Lithuania on Monday. Sources of the media page reported that they were planning on meeting with Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius.
Hitachi representatives have arrived after last week the Ministry of Energy publicly presented the unified position of Baltic energy companies and Hitachi that the plan for the new nuclear power plant launched by the previous government “could be significantly improved.”
It has been announced that the Japanese agree to give part of their loan, which would be provided with 4.3 per cent annual interest, to the regional partners. In this case, the Lithuanian government would have to borrow a total of about 5.6 billion Litas (1.1 billion Litas more than previously planned), and another 1.3 billion Litas would have to be put in equity. Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius declared that the project would drop by one billion or more Litas in cost to Lithuania.
Additionally, Hitachi is offering to build a few factories and establish a few hundred jobs in Lithuania. The Japanese promise that they would have orders for these factories not only during the construction of the Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant, but also later.
Info by News Radio,