There are three piano recitals per week planned during the third Vilnius Piano Music Festival. During the concerts, viewers will be able to listen to three female pianists, and, during one program, they will also hear pieces of music created by women. This is an echo of this year’s motto “Touched by muses”.
Edith Fischer will play Fantasy and Variation, which is a program for the 20th of November. The pianist, who thinks of Claudio Arrau as her great teacher, will play piano masterpieces of two of the most prominent composers – Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven.
On the 23rd of November on the National Philharmonic stage viewers will see Lithuanian pianist Guoda Gedvilaitė, who resides and works in Germany. It is during Ms. Gedvilaitė’s recital when pieces of music created by women will be heard. She will play C. Schumann opuses and Piazzolla's compositions, all arranged by Ms. Gedvilaitė herself.
Guest soloist Plamena Mangova will perform in the evening of the 27th of November. This Bulgarian pianist not only plays in the most famous European and world stages – Amsterdam, Concertgebouw, Salzburg Mozarteum, the Luxembourg Philharmonic Hall, the National Theatre in Madrid and the Louvre Hall in Paris, but also is the winner of the Belgian Queen Elisabeth Music Competition. Pieces of music by Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Frederic Chopin, Franz Liszt and Isaac Albeniz will be heard.
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yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:6::58 | 02:27:23
ar bent viena rusofobinė kalė galėtų paaiškinti, kokių jie laukė "maskvos trikdžių", ir kaip jie tuos "trikdžius" techniškai įsivaizdavo savo liguistose, iškrypėliškose fantazijose ? :))) rusija, matai, turėtų trukdyti idiotams pjauti šaką, ant kurios jie sėdi, ir toliau žlugdyti...
IP | 22:20:39
Kiek GRAŽIŲ pensininkų Vievio TAU. Panašu į šokius KAM virš trisdešimt ...
Rusams dzin
IP | 21:55:02
Kaliningrado srities energetikos sistema sėkmingai pradėjo veikti autonominiu režimu Lietuvai, Latvijai ir Estijai atsijungus nuo BRELL energetinio žiedo su Rusija ir Baltarusija. Apie tai pranešė Rusijos energetikos ministerija.
Agentūros duomenimis, labiausiai į vakarus nutolusio Rusijos region...
IP 2a02:678:54f:8200:4de3:409:b2c5:e8e | 21:52:30
Nr.2-am: silpnokai, sugalvok ką nors pats....