2025 m. vasario 8 d.


Introduction of the euro will help small and medium businesses

Paskelbta: 2013-11-26 18:47 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Minister of the Economy Evaldas Gustas thinks that the introduction of the euro will help small and medium businesses.

During a press conference of  theSmall and Medium Business Assembly, Mr. Gustas said that joining the euro zone in 2015 is one of the objectives of the Government of Lithuania. According to him, both he and the government think that it will be useful for small and medium businesses. He said that a primary benefit would be the possibility to receive loans and  to receive them at lower interest rates.

Meanwhile, Daniel Calleja, Director General of the Enterprise and Industry Directorate of the European Commission, noted that when thinking about support for small and medium businesses, countries are not divided into those that belong to the Eurozone and those that do not. The same rules are applied to all of them.

So, is there still a need for a referendum?

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