Ms. Graužinienė has said that she is not against the introduction of the euro, but to introduce it next year, as Prime Minister Butkevičius has promised is, in her opinion, irrational considering the country's debt and economic situation. Furthermore, she stated that the coalition "needs to work correctly," that is, to communicate. Also, according to Leader of the Parliament Graužinienė, the opinion of voters should be asked about the introduction of the euro, because then people feel more involved.
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> 3 kometarui
IP | 10:54:06
Pats, matomai, esi iš tų "Šurajeviečių" chamų. kad gini tą eterio chamą....
IP | 10:47:08
Nida prisuko. LT profesūros portretas. Studentai privalo atidžiai klausyti savo lektorių - tą dabar ir matome. Nesibaidykite ir paklausykite - net Nidos :)
IP 2001:67c:6ec:203:192:42:116:199 | 10:19:04
"Jedinstvos" ratelyje kažkokios 'perestroikos' perturbacijos ... nkvd'istų palikuonys tepa slides po 10-ies minučių tylos atstovėjimo prie seimo...