2024 m. spalio 17 d.


Lithuania's Competition Council expects to complete studies on Gazprom and the bio-fuel sector this year

Paskelbta: 2014-01-24 19:35 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

The impending completion of the studies on Gazprom and bio-fuels were confirmed by Competition Council Chair Sarunas Keserauskas. He also said that though there is so far no indication of Gazprom's willingness to cooperate, this would not prevent a decision, though it will complicate the process. If the Russian company is recognized as having infringed the Competition Act, it could be fined up to ten percent of annual turnover and will open the way for the purchase of gas from other sources. Meanwhile, the Competition Council suspects that heat producers and the largest supplier of bio-fuels made ​​agreements to shut smaller suppliers out of the market, leading to an unreasonable increase in the price of bio-fuel.

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