2025 m. vasario 7 d.


Lithuania's Minister of Finance has said that uncollected taxes pose a threat to the adoption of the euro in the country

Paskelbta: 2014-01-27 14:04 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Lithuania's Minister of Finance Rimantas Šadžius
Lithuania's Minister of Finance Rimantas Šadžius

The Finance Minister said that the 2013 budget revenue plan was completed and even exceeded but failed to collect planned value added tax and excise duties. This year will purportedly lead to a breakthrough in the collection of these taxes and the fight against the shadow economy. Rimantas Šadžius warns that it poses a threat to the euro. He said that the general plan was carried out, although when talking about different taxes, income was quite uneven. It is encouraging that companies earned more profit, but the collection of consumption taxes were disconcerting. We looked for reasons and encouraged institutions administering taxes to take measures to meet the VAT and excise revenue plans, but the flows of income of these taxes failed to equalize last year has.

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