2024 m. rugsėjo 15 d.


Lithuania's Social Democrats have endorsed presidential candidate Zigmantas Balčytis and the liberals have decided to support Dalia Grybauskaitė

Paskelbta: 2014-01-20 13:53 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Zigmantas Balčytis
Zigmantas Balčytis

According to candidate for president supported by the Social Democrats, the current president now has the highest ratings, but he is not afraid of that, because people who want another Lithuania should vote for him. Meanwhile, Liberal Movement chairman Eligijus Masiulis, defending his party’s decision to not put forward its own candidate in the presidential election, notes that President D. Grybauskaite will remain a strong counterweight against populist political forces that are currently trying to undermine the foundations of the state and citizens' faith in the state in all possible ways, while the liberals want to see the country growing, creating, competing and holding a strong position in the international arena.

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