The Special Investigation Service is conducting a preliminary investigation on three separate episodes of potentially criminal acts linked to the same people. It is suspected that these individuals fraudulently sought to win one public procurement bidding competition organized under the Ministry of the Environment and two such competitions held by organizations under the Ministry of Transport. The investigation is being controlled and directed by the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor's Office. Environment Minister Valentinas Mazuronis, commenting on the situation, said that if officials really are guilty, he will publicly thank the officers of the Special Investigation Service.
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Su tuo plėšikautoju
IP | 12:27:28
zele, narkašu jau nėra ką Trampui kalbėti, jis žinomas komersantas, o su Putinu tai Trampas netrukus susitiks...
IP 2a02:678:54f:8200:4de3:409:b2c5:e8e | 12:12:18
Mąstantiems anokia čia naujiena. Tik smagu, kad patys save demaskuoja....
> 10. Lora
IP | 10:44:56
Ką čia tridalioji!? Atsipagiriok ir dar kartą perklausyk nuo tos savo nurodytos minutės!...