As reported by the Ministry of Finance, Euro-bonds have been sold with a nominal value of 500 million euros and an annual interest rate of 3.375 percent. This is purportedly the lowest of the past decade. The Ministry asserted that receiving the lowest in the last decade shows the positive attitude of investors to the economic outlook of Lithuania and the favorable international environment. The borrowed funds will be used to decrease the budget deficit and past debts.
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Ten tigrinės krevetės
IP | 18:45:42
ne Baltijos tigrai. Šaldytos didžiosios tigrinės krevetės. ...
IP | 18:42:57
Paleckis tik RENGESI daryti nusikaltima ir jis uzta jau sedi, o mokytoja Astra nusikaltima ORGANIZAVO,ir tik lygtinai...