Auditor Giedre Švedienė summed up the opinion that there are loopholes in the personal data protection system in Lithuania by stating that after completing an audit she noted that the right to privacy is not sufficiently guaranteed in the country. She went on to say that all legal requirements for the protection of privacy are not yet implemented in the public sector, and that regulations in this area are even behind advances in communications and technology. Additionally, it has been found that the public is not informed enough about data security.
Naujausi komentarai
dr. Jonas Ramanauskas joramlt
IP | 20:54:36
Ponas Žalimas yra kvankštelėjęs, nėra reikalo jo klausytis....
IP | 19:52:22
Na va, o ruskas hitlerio pasekėjas putleris nespėjo net per statytinius....
IP | 19:45:05
90-tais Lianzbirbis pasake kad raudona nafta teka vamzdziu , del to ir gavo ka norejo ...