2025 m. vasario 10 d.


Lithuania’s Prosecutor General says that the crimes of absconded member of the Lithuanian parliment Neringa Venckiene are not serious enough to ask the US for extradition

Paskelbta: 2013-11-06 08:32 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo by Martynas Ambrazas (ELTA)
Photo by Martynas Ambrazas (ELTA)

Lithuanian Prosecutor General Darius Valys provided some information to the Council of the Parliament related with the search for Member of Parliament Neringa Venckienė, who is a member of the parliamentary fraction Drąsos kelias (Eng. Brave Way). The Prosecutor General claimed that Lithuania has been intensively cooperating regarding this issue with the U.S., and when asked about the extradition of the member of the parliament, he said that such a process would be unfounded.

When asked if the process has been stuck because of the U.S., the Prosecutor General confirmed that the U.S. supposedly has been helping very actively, but the Lithuanian Prosecutor’s Office has not received official answers regarding the issue.

The Prosecutor General also stated that prosecutors have received an address of a person with whom Ms. Venckienė might be living, but that she has not been served with a summons. He went on to clarify that his office has not received official answers from the U.S. after officials there were asked to specify the information and determine the exact location.

Info by Elta, ekspertai.eu, Žinių radijas

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