Hope is being placed in the future of US, Canadian and Australian liquefied natural gas exports. Lithuanian Energy Minister Jaroslav Neverovičius said it was time to change the attitude towards the contracts and buy gas at the best price, regardless of whether it is supplied through a terminal or pipeline. According to him, Lithuania is not against any supplier and would buy gas from Gazprom, if they offered acceptable conditions. Meanwhile, the liquefied natural gas terminal project run by the company Klaipedos Nafta has received its building permit.
Blinkevičiūtė, Skvernelis ir Žemaitaitis tvirtai įsipareigojo Ukrainos pergalei ir atstatymui
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IP | 02:41:10
Kad tik LRT nepaveluotu atsibusti - lapkricio 5 d. pasaulis dramatiskai pasikeite…...
IP 2a00:1eb8:c297:d922:710d:eb02:4975:ac43 | 00:02:22
Ir kaip niekinga būtų senam ir naujam valstybės Seimui (šiandien ir rytoj) nepaskelbti Vytauto Senojo Ožio Landsbergio Amžinuoju Lietuvos Valstybės Imperatoriumi, (tikrai "tik pagal nuopuolius, tfu, nuopeslus, tfu, nuopelnius, tfu ..." (niekaip nepataikau į ožį)....