2024 m. spalio 12 d.


Lithuanian Minister of Culture says that at least 6 million Litas would be needed to continue the construction of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

Paskelbta: 2013-10-16 20:42 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo from Valdovurumai.lt
Photo from Valdovurumai.lt

If next year the funding to continue the construction of the Palace of Grand Dukes of Lithuania is not received, it will have to be stopped. Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis says that 6 million Litas, if found in the reserve funds, would make it possible to continue the construction. However, the Minister says he does not know where it would be possible to find such a sum. Mr. Birutis emphasized that it would be a great loss to have to stop the construction.

On Tuesday Minister Birutis discussed the funding of the construction with Director of the Palace of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vydas Dolinskis and Interim Director of the Directorate of the State Cultural Reserve of Vilnius Castles Dainius Malinauskas.

By May of this year, having spent 261 million Litas on work so far, a section, called Part A, which is more than half of the total area of the building, was reconstructed.  Part B, consisting of the northern section and a part of the western and eastern sections of the palace has not been finished. An estimate of 62 million Litas is needed for its reconstruction.  

The requirement for additonal funds to complete the project supports the criticism of waste, and perhaps even corruption, that have surrounded the project since construction began. 

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