2024 m. spalio 12 d.


Lithuanian Minister of Energy to meet with Vice-Chairman of Gazprom‘s Board in St. Petersburg

Paskelbta: 2013-10-18 15:59 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo from lngworldnews.com
Photo from lngworldnews.com

Minister of Energy Jaroslav Neverovičius and Alexander Medvedev, the Vice-President of the board at Gazprom, will meet in St. Petersburg.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Energy received a letter from Gazprom, in which Lithuania was invited to continue the dialogue discussing  the proposals it presented and to harmonize the positions of both sides, as well as possible further steps.

According to Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius, Lithuania 's position has not changed and it requires the application of "a fair price and the implementation of a third energy package, and with no exceptions."

Currently, Gazprom sells natural gas to Lithuania for about 500 U.S. dollars per 1,000 cubic meters. It is estimated that if Lithuania managed to settle on a 20 per cent discount, it would save about 330 million U.S. dollars per year. Every year Lithuania spends about 2 billion Litas for Russian natural gas.

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