The President of Lithuania said while in Brussels that she was really satisfied with her presidency because her administration fulfilled all tasks set and negotiated everything that needed to be and even more. She went on to say that Lithuania's presidency has been evaluated quite positively. At the same time, the president proposed strengthening the EU's security and defense policy, as Europe has been presented with new challenges and threats have become more modern and more active. Of particular concern to President Grybauskaite is the pooling of military capabilities in the neighboring countries of the EU, cyber attacks directed against EU member states, disruptions in the supply of energy, economic blockades and information attacks.
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IP 2405:8100:8000:5ca1::78:4654 | 10:22:45
vis tik ką turėjo savo galvoje masiulis sakydamas: " ..kainos spaudimas žemyn, ateity tik didės“? reikia suprasti, kad aukštos kainos perkėlimas ant prasčiau gyvenančių žmonių perčių tik didės. tsakank, augančios kainos pastoviai persikels nuo viršutinių socialinių sluoksnių link žemutinių......