President Grybauskaitė has explained her decision to not attend the coming Winter Olympic Games as due to the facts that Russia does not respect human rights, acts improperly with Lithuania’s Eastern partners and imposes sanctions on Lithuania. Therefore, she says she sees no political opportunity to travel to Sochi. The leaders of the United States, France, and Germany, as well as the EU Justice Commissioner had already confirmed that they would not be going. The President of Latvia Andris Berzins believes that the boycott is an aspect of the Cold War.
Naujausi komentarai
dr. Jonas Ramanauskas joramlt
IP | 20:54:36
Ponas Žalimas yra kvankštelėjęs, nėra reikalo jo klausytis....
IP | 19:52:22
Na va, o ruskas hitlerio pasekėjas putleris nespėjo net per statytinius....
IP | 19:45:05
90-tais Lianzbirbis pasake kad raudona nafta teka vamzdziu , del to ir gavo ka norejo ...