After a meeting of the ruling coalition, Mr. Butkevičius told journalists that to hold all speculation to a minimum, he would certainly take personal responsibility and coalition partners agreed that on January 1, 2015 Lithuania would adopt the euro. He went on to say that this coalition will make it happen and if others think in a different way, there is nothing wrong with that. To the question of whether he would resign if this goal were not met, the Prime Minister answered that he certainly would.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 21:29:35
Nusibodo šaukti klasėje: "tylos !", siekė užgrobti valdžią, o nepavyko ? Tai ji dabar kaip ir Tichanouska - teisėta prezidentė ! ...
IP | 21:20:13
Lietuviai ir ne visai lietuviai nuvyke 2014 m. i UKraina , tai tikrai siule { sosdaite Maidan po vsei Ukraine } . Tai va ten tikrai ivyko ginkluotas perversmas ko pasekoje ten zuvo , ne tik civiliai , bet ir Policijos pareigunai attrodo , kad apie 20. Is viso kaip sake per Maidana zuvo apie 100 zm...
Trigrašis > 9 /11
IP | 21:08:07
Pegai,kodėl tu taip atvirai demonstruoji savo d*bilumą?...