Though the Prime Minister has reached an agreement with Gazprom, he has not revealed the details agreed upon about the controlling principles of the exit of Gazprom from the natural gas distributor Amber Grid or natural gas prices for Lithuania. Mr. Butkevicius explained that he had heard their offer and though he could not release it yet, not only those who work at the political level will know, but he thinks he will tell the public as well. He also would not comment on what he and the Gazprom CEO discussed about the ongoing arbitration with the company on excessive natural gas prices in Lithuania.
Naujausi komentarai
NATO vienybė?!
IP | 07:50:16
Apie kokią "vienybę" čia kalbama? NATO šiandien, kaip niekad, vienose JAV teroristų rankose. Trumpas net to neslepia:"Amerika pirmoje eilėje" ir taškas. Kada jus praregėsite, niekingi subinlaižiai?...
IP | 07:38:39
Be Amerikos jie niekaip negali . Pasiklausius Paskovo kalba Ukrainoje yra iskasenu ivairiu , o atmintinas pasakitas buvo auksas , anglis ir t. toliau . Ukraina neturetu naudingu iskasenu , tai jos niekam ir nereiketu , o dabar draskosi is pasiutimo , iki kraujo.Kazin kur bus numatytas kitas Maidana...