The government is determined to continue the project for the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Lithuania. When journalists asked whether his cabinet has the political will to build a nuclear power plant, Prime Minister Butkevicius succinctly indicated that this is what they should be working towards and not towards Lithuania importing electricity. The people of Lithuania in a referendum clearly spoke out against a new nuclear power plant in the country, and before the parliamentary elections Mr. Butkevicius promised to follow the will of the people.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 21:29:35
Nusibodo šaukti klasėje: "tylos !", siekė užgrobti valdžią, o nepavyko ? Tai ji dabar kaip ir Tichanouska - teisėta prezidentė ! ...
IP | 21:20:13
Lietuviai ir ne visai lietuviai nuvyke 2014 m. i UKraina , tai tikrai siule { sosdaite Maidan po vsei Ukraine } . Tai va ten tikrai ivyko ginkluotas perversmas ko pasekoje ten zuvo , ne tik civiliai , bet ir Policijos pareigunai attrodo , kad apie 20. Is viso kaip sake per Maidana zuvo apie 100 zm...