2024 m. spalio 11 d.


Lithuanian Prime Minister has said, “We think of the village as a symbol of survival for Lithuania”

Paskelbta: 2013-11-18 19:07 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo by Gediminas Savickis (Elta)
Photo by Gediminas Savickis (Elta)

Today, in a Conference for Lithuanian farmers being held in Kaunas, Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius was pleased to note that Lithuanian agriculture has been getting stronger and is able to compete with farmers of other countries, that latest technology and the most efficient equipment is already being used in farms., and new types of plants and animals are being grown and raised.

The Head of the Government said,  “The most important direction of a breakthrough should be where the largest added value is produced. Of course, it is livestock farming. This needs to be coordinated with other economic branches. In the economic prospect for 2014–2020 we are planning  to spend  about one billion Litas to support livestock farming.”

The Prime Minister noted that this year the country's exports of agricultural products make up 18 percent of all exports. The Prime Minister said, "It's a lot, but it not a limit" and wished the country's farmers to more actively introduce the latest technology to farms, which would improve productivity and competitiveness.”
The Prime Minister also assured farmers that his government is working very hard to help the country's agricultural sector. As examples, the Prime Minister named discussions in Brussels regarding fair payments to farmers, the Government's efforts in negotiations with Russia regarding Lithuanian dairy export, and an additional 60 million Litas that was allocated for livestock farming this year.

Mr. Butkevičius noted, "We think of the village as a symbol of survival for Lithuania."

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