2024 m. spalio 18 d.


Mayor Zuokas of Vilnius and Danish Crown Prince Frederik unveiled the constitution of Užupis in Danish

Paskelbta: 2013-10-10 20:21 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo from vilnius.lt
Photo from vilnius.lt

Vilnius Mayor Arturas Zuokas met with the Crown Prince of Denmark yesterday, October 9, in Vilnius City Hall. After the meeting, Prince Frederik and the mayor cycled around the Old Town of Vilnius. The mayor and his guests rode from the Gates of Dawn to the Vilnius University campus, which the Crown Prince toured. They then continued their route past the Cathedral, down Mairono street and past the reconstructed Bernadine Monastery to Užupis where they unveiled the Užupis constitution in Danish.

The somewhat tongue-in-cheek constitution of the firmly tongue-in-cheek independent Republic of Užupis states: "A person has the right to be happy. A person has the right to love. A person can be free. A person is responsible for their own freedom. And last, I think, the most important aticle of the Constitution is 'never give up'" Danish is the 19th foreign language in which the constitution has been published on a plaque entering the small Vilnius district.

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