In the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius a battle has begun that is, in many ways, both symbolic and unfair. More than 2000 citizens protested against plans to build another large shopping center in the Vilnius Žirmūnų district, a UNESCO World Heritage listed Old Town protection zone. Residents do not need this shopping center as there is already one just a few hundred meters from the proposed site. However, despite the many reasons against the new store, city residents will probably lose this battle because the supermarket is wanted by the company "Maxima", owned by some of the country's wealthiest businesspeople, whose interests have for a long time, and not always in clean way, been satisfied by all levels of government. An published video of the public reading of the detailed plan of Vilnius municipality shows that those assembled were lied to.
Naujausi komentarai
IP 2a00:1eb8:c297:d922:25fa:ef3:5350:9e90 | 02:21:23
Aš atiduosiu šiknių Vilnių (kad kas tik imtų?) net nemirktelėjęs. (Kartu su "tarakonais" per 35 metus ten smarkiai pasidauginusiais)....
yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2660:425:1::230 | 01:07:07
nūūū, aš tai irgi nematau rezono keisti nuomonę : nuokruša buvo, yra ir liks moraline bei dvasine lupena, su savo, dvokiančia kekše lupeniene..., - o Margaritai linkiu stiprybės, tvarkantis su visais lansbergidės ropliais - už laisvą nuo pindosinio mėšlo Ukrainą !!!! ...
yell...NATO go NACHO to 8.8
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:10::230 | 01:04:15
joneli, atsipalaidook - nejau už rusofobijos spermą, tu negali atleisti tam srutozaurui kažkokio "antikonstitucingumo" ? :)))) - tu rask bent vieną tvarto valdžiapimpį, kuris nėra pažeidęs konstitucijos ir litsovietčiko priesaikos ! :))) - tai ko tu dabar, čikagini liurbi, užsisėdai ant to...
dr. Jonas Ramanauskas joramlt
IP | 00:44:02
Antikonstitucininkas profesorius Vytautas Landsbergis