As shown by the latest Eurobarometer survey, as many as ninety-five per cent of the people of Lithuania think that corruption is widespread in the country, and this is one of the highest rates among all the European Union countries. A higher percentage of the population with such beliefs was found only in Greece and Italy, and the results from Lithuania are the same as in Spain and the Czech Republic. Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius expressed his surprise at the findings.
Naujausi komentarai
IP | 10:33:43
Man pasakykite, kuris laisvas pilietis prisiekęs savo Šaliai, bučius svetimos valstybės vėliavą - jei neparsidavęs....
IP | 10:08:22
parasykite ,ka atsake Jim,as Risch,as ir dar butu idomu suzinoti , ar uz suvalgytus kotletus musiskis sumokejo grynais ,ar kortele...