2025 m. kovo 7 d.


Nausėda: galimybė atsigręžti į jūrą vis iš naujo tampa Lietuvos sėkmės istorija

Paskelbta: 2024-07-28 21:25 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Klaipėdoje vyko 65-oji Jūros šventė.

Kovos su korupcija patirties eksportuotojas, pažeidžiamas komunistas, Gerovės valstybės kūrėjas, Sąjūdžio laikais įstojęs į TSRS komunistų partiją ir taip iš jos ir neišstojęs, Ukrainos karių kraujo bučiuotojas, Baudžiamojo kodekso (BK) straipsnių taisytojas, alternatyvių laisvės atėmimo iki gyvos galvos bausmių iniciatorius, kasetinių bombų šalininkas, žodžio „vatinukai“ mėgėjas ir vartotojas Gitanas Nausėda šventės dalyviams paskelbė vaizdo sveikinimą.

Su dideliu nekantrumu Klaipėdiečiams ir miesto svečiams laukusiems sveikinimo žodžio, valstybės lyderis pabrėžė, kad „audringa ir nepastovi jūra kviečia visus lietuvius neriboti savo svajonių, juos stiprina ir ruošia naujiems iššūkiams“.

„Taip galimybė atsigręžti į jūrą vis iš naujo tampa Lietuvos sėkmės istorija. Mūsų sėkmės istorija. Be jūros šiandien neįsivaizduojame šalies ekonomikos ir net savo gyvenimo. Todėl gerbkime jūrą, puoselėkime jūros kultūrą ir likime ištikimi ilgaamžiams jūrinės valstybės siekiams“, - paragino G. Nausėda.

Vyriškis taip pat išreiškė apgailestavimą, kad šį kartą neturėjo galimybės pasivaikščioti gimtojo miesto gatvėmis ir palinkėjo visiems klaipėdiečiams ir miesto svečiams gražios šventės.

„Ekspertai.eu“ skelbiamą informaciją draudžiama visuomenės informavimo priemonėse atgaminti be raštiško asociacijos „Global Gaze Network“ sutikimo, kurį galima gauti adresu [email protected]

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


241. armand kermani
(2025-03-05 13:23:26)
( Parašė:

If you have been scammed by a crypto investment group and are looking to retrieve your funds, it is important to take action as soon as possible. One option you can consider is reaching out to a reputable company like SUPERIOR HACK . SUPERIOR HACK RECOVERY specializes in cybersecurity and digital forensics, and they may be able to help you track down and recover your scammed funds. They have experience in dealing with crypto scams and can provide you with the necessary expertise and tools to assist you in your recovery efforts they carry out all kinds of hacking such as Remote phone hack 2. Crypto Recovery, Upgrade gpa, School Grades Change,Increase credit score, Database hack, Facebook, Whatsapp hack,Remote phone Hack, Remove criminal records all kinds of hack . contact Them via Email: ( [email protected] ) W h a t s a p p : +1 4106350697

240. Estrella James
(2025-03-05 12:12:39)
( Parašė:

I invested $350k with the wrong crypto platform and lost my funds to scammers in the Internet. I came about this crypto platform through a friend of mine who had also invested with them and had made some financial gains from registering with them, I trusted them easily with my funds and that decision has been a tore in my flesh each time I remember how everything has just been going fine recently. The need for more legitimate recovery firms like DIGITALSPYHACKERS RECOVERY FIRM in the course to keep fighting scam in the world of cryptocurrency, I came about this particular recovery firm in the Internet through some great reviews by their satisfied clients who have worked with them in the past successfully retrieving back their lost investment funds. Their work ethics of attaining customer satisfaction for every of their clients is what keeps them going beyond the limits in making sure of a remarkable result shows their class, I retrieved back my lost investment funds exactly 72hrs of working with them on my case which is a testimony given I didn't know it can be possible retrieving back lost investment funds. This is my advice to any newbie going into cryptocurrency investments should always be sure of the legitimacy the investment company before trusting them with your funds because scammers nowadays tend to using sophisticated methods in scamming people of their funds in the name of investment, and if you ever find yourself in any case of scam be sure to retrieve back by our funds with the exceptional recovery services of DIGITALSPYHACKERS RECOVERY FIRM. digitalspyhackers @ gmail com

239. Michael Hunold
(2025-03-04 06:25:13)
( Parašė:

The turbulent realm of cryptocurrency, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, I found myself ensnared in a web of deceit, reeling from a staggering loss of $270,000 to a cunning scam. Amidst the chaos, Coreassetinc Recovery Firm emerged as a steadfast ally, guiding me through the labyrinthine depths of the digital frontier. Initially cautious, I approached Coreassetinc Recovery Firm with skepticism, wary of false promises and empty assurances. However, the resounding acclaim surrounding their name compelled me to seek their aid. With tempered hope, I embarked on a journey fraught with uncertainty. Coreassetinc Recovery Firm exhibited unparalleled professionalism and expertise. Their team navigated the intricate landscape of crypto scams with precision, offering lucid guidance and support throughout the arduous recovery process. Despite my apprehensions, their unwavering dedication to my plight inspired confidence in their capabilities. Coreassetinc Recovery Firm was their genuine empathy and tailored approach. They didn't view me as just another client, but as someone in need of compassion and dire help with the predicament I was facing. Taking the time to comprehend my story, they crafted a strategy attuned to my unique circumstances, providing solace amidst the chaos.Their efforts yielded tangible results. Through a relentless pursuit of justice and innovative methodologies, they managed to retrieve the majority of my pilfered funds, fortifying my defenses against future threats. Their success was not merely financial; it was a testament to their integrity and commitment to rectitude.Beyond the restitution of my assets, Coreassetinc Recovery Firm offered closure and reassurance. They reignited my faith in humanity, proving that honor and rectitude endure amidst the treachery of the crypto landscape. Their impact transcended monetary recovery, leaving an indelible imprint on my belief in the innate goodness of mankind. Throughout the ordeal, their exemplary customer service distinguished them. Ever accessible and responsive, they provided timely updates and guidance, ensuring I never felt adrift in the tumultuous sea of uncertainty. Their professionalism and unwavering dedication earned my trust and admiration, solidifying their status as stalwart defenders of justice. In essence, my encounter with Coreassetinc Recovery Firm was transformative with every minute update on the progress. Amidst the abyss of despair, they emerged as a beacon of hope, guiding me through the darkest recesses of my crypto tribulation. To anyone grappling with the aftermath of a scam, I wholeheartedly endorse Coreassetinc Recovery Firm . They are not just experts in recovery; they are steadfast allies in the fight against fraud. For any crypto recovery assistance contact ( Coreassetinc @ Gmail dot com or Telegram: @ Coreassetinc)

238. Angelique Smith
(2025-03-04 05:25:00)
( Parašė:

My process for recovery has been kind of a bumpy process because of the fake recovery agents I encountered earlier on, however with the support given to me in the consultation and Digitalspyhackers Team and I have collectively succeeded in recouping my locked up BTC Assets valued at $326,790 within the space of 48 hours !! Or rather the team worked hard on my behalf, I only had to provide them with a few details regarding my investment with the fraud company and they did the rest for me. Prior to meeting DIGITALSPYHACKERS RECOVERY CENTRE, i had met a few recovery agents as well that only seemed to care about their service fee similar to what the fraud company was doing to me and at some point I almost gave up the believe that I would ever get back my money but today, I’ve done full circle to come back here and give my own thankful review since I learnt about the team through the many reviews on here. I feel ready to take on the world with my new found awareness and I wish they would create more awareness platforms and opportunities to help enlighten more people about crypto and how best to navigate the digital financial landscape, this will surely help to reduce the fast spreading fraudulent activities going on there and save potential investors from falling prey!. Glad I know it now and I can teach it to my children so they wont make the same mistakes I did. You can also contact them via their official email address ( Digitalspyhackers @ gmail com)

237. Harper Newton
(2025-03-03 16:43:32)
( Parašė:

If your crypto account’s frozen, breached, or just gone sideways, hit up Silvercrackx recovery firm. A few weeks back, I was drowning in despair after a slick scam drained my wallet, leaving me with nothing but regret. I’d thrown my faith into a platform that seemed golden, only to watch it vanish. They turned it around, pulling my cash back from the jaws of that bogus site. Losing it all was a gut punch—I’d sunk €110,000 into it, money I’d scraped together from our household stash, all behind my partner’s back. He’d been dead-set against crypto, warning me it was a gamble, but I saw it as our ticket to a cushier future for us and the kids. When it tanked, I was terrified he’d find out and say “I told you so.” Desperate, I emailed Silvercrackx at Silvercrackx @ GMAIL . COM—best move I ever made. In just days, they had my funds back in hand. I’m beyond thankful. You can also ping them on Telegram at @ Silvercrackx or that email. They’re the real deal.

236. Nadia Rodriguez
(2025-02-27 06:57:27)
( Parašė:

I want to express my sincere appreciation for all the work you and your team has done for me in retrieving my USDT assets from a cheating investment platform that I acquainted myself with through their broker agent on LinkedIn. I was not sure what I was getting myself into when I spoke with you a month ago...I did not think you could get my USDT assets extracted from the scammers as soon as you did. I was very skeptical at first because it was my first time hearing of someone not to mention a firm capable of tracing and retrieving digital assets lost to fraudulent transactions. After being turned down for a withdrawal request, I approached their support desk and the agent for assistance but to my dismay they were asking me for some sort of settlements each time before I Could withdraw my funds. A friend from work said to look up " Digital assets recovery solutions " in the Internet and so I did. After going through about a dozen different infos on firm’s and recovery agents, I was getting a bit discouraged then I finally saw your FORSENICHACKERSTECH RECOVERY CENTRE info and liked the reviews I read. No red-flags went off so I decided to make contact. It was an easy, laid-back conversation explaining everything that can be done to recoup my digital assets and improve my financial situation. It sounded good to me so I took you up on your offer. In just three days of hard work on FORSENICHACKERSTECH; team part, my USDT assets was successfully recovered from the scam platform. I realize not everyone has the same recovery problems but you folks were fast and really worked for me and am assured your services will help many others as well, you can contact the firm using their contact informations below, Email : FORSENICHACKERSTECH @ GMAIL . COM

235. Angelique Smith
(2025-02-27 06:57:08)
( Parašė:

I threw all my hard-earned cash into Bitcoin. Fast forward to today, I had amassed a cool 5000 worth of BTC, which was now worth over a million bucks. I thought my private keys were safely tucked away offline, but turns out I fell for a sneaky phishing scam. Next thing I knew, my crypto fortune had disappeared into the abyss of an anonymous wallet. Lesson learned: always keep your keys close and your scams closer. Distraught at having my nest egg wiped out, I turned to Forensic Web Recovery, a new service specializing in tracking stolen crypto funds and assisting victims. Through advanced blockchain analysis, Forensic was able to trace the path the stolen Bitcoins took as they got laundered through various wallets under the hacker's control. Eventually Forensic located the hacker's main wallet and coordinated with law enforcement to seize the wallet and return the stolen crypto to me. Thanks to Forensic web recovery crypto tracking expertise and perseverance, I recovered my lost life savings. I am now a firm believer in using crypto recovery services for protection against theft. My story highlights that even if you lose crypto funds to hacking or scams, there are still options like Forensic Web Recovery, their Email Forensichackerstech @ gmail.com that may be able to recover your losses by following the digital trail on the blockchain. So call forensic web recovery today through: Email; Forensichackerstech @ gamil com

234. Estrella James
(2025-02-26 23:18:32)
( Parašė:

My process for recovery has been kind of a bumpy process because of the fake recovery agents I encountered earlier on, however with the support given to me in the consultation and Digitalspyhackers Team and I have collectively succeeded in recouping my locked up BTC Assets valued at $326,790 within the space of 48 hours !! Or rather the team worked hard on my behalf, I only had to provide them with a few details regarding my investment with the fraud company and they did the rest for me. Prior to meeting DIGITALSPYHACKERS RECOVERY CENTRE, i had met a few recovery agents as well that only seemed to care about their service fee similar to what the fraud company was doing to me and at some point I almost gave up the believe that I would ever get back my money but today, I’ve done full circle to come back here and give my own thankful review since I learnt about the team through the many reviews on here. I feel ready to take on the world with my new found awareness and I wish they would create more awareness platforms and opportunities to help enlighten more people about crypto and how best to navigate the digital financial landscape, this will surely help to reduce the fast spreading fraudulent activities going on there and save potential investors from falling prey!. Glad I know it now and I can teach it to my children so they wont make the same mistakes I did. You can also contact them via their official email address ( Digitalspyhackers @ gmail com)

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