2024 m. rugsėjo 15 d.


On February 9th there will be a conference called For a State Without Lies

Paskelbta: 2014-01-23 19:28 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

On February 9th in 1991, there was a general survey of the people of Lithuania. More than 90% of the votes, which accounted for over 76% of all active voters in the country, were in favor of an independent, democratic Lithuania. This was a very important vote, which had a significant impact on the Lithuanian struggle for freedom and independence.

Commemorating the 23rd anniversary of this survey, on February 9th, people are invited to attend the conference For a State Without Lies in Vilnius.

Lithuanian citizens are encouraged to mobilize public initiatives and to draw immediate operational guidelines and specific actions for the forthcoming presidential, parliamentary, municipal and European parliamentary elections.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
IBAN: CH9409000000161276571
(banko pavedimo mokestis toks pat, kaip darant pavedimą ir Lietuvoje)
Adresas: Brandschenkenstrasse 53
Miestas: Zürich
Pašto kodas: 8002


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