2024 m. rugsėjo 17 d.


Ousted Lithuanian President Rolandas Paksas will again seek the presidency in 2014 or 2019

Paskelbta: 2013-10-23 17:05 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo from commons.wikimedia.org
Photo from commons.wikimedia.org

Leader of the party Tvarka ir Teisingumas  (Eng. Order and Justice) and member of the European Parliament Rolandas Paksas says he will seek the presidential post as soon as the possibility presents itself. He said he was an optimist, and reiterated that he had earlier declared his intention to seek the presidency, whether it would be in 2014 or 2019.

Today, while considering an amendment to the Lithuanian Constitution that would allow someone just such as President Paksas, who was removed from office, 101 members of the Parliament voted for it, one member was against it and 21 abstained.

The leader of the party call this decision a “major step in the direction of democracy.”

Rolandas Paksas lost his presidential post in April of 2004. He was impeached for breaking the oath of office and major violations of the Lithuanian Constitution when he made an exception and granted Lithuanian citizenship to his financial sponsor Yuri Borisov.

The next Lithuanian Presidential elections will be held in May of next year.

Info by News Radio, ekspertai.eu inf.

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