2025 m. vasario 7 d.


Poles in Lithuania, fearing their destruction, have promised to hold protests in Lithuania like those in Ukraine

Paskelbta: 2014-02-07 19:34 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Vice Chair of the Lithuanian Parliament Yaroslav Narkevičius
Vice Chair of the Lithuanian Parliament Yaroslav Narkevičius

Vice Chair of the Lithuanian Parliament Yaroslav Narkevičius explained in the Lithuanian daily newspaper Lietuvos Rytas that the Lithuanian political elite are seeking to destroy the Polish ethnic minority, but that the Poles would not give in and would raise havoc all over Lithuania. He gave an interview to the Polish newspaper Nasz Dziennik, dubbed the "Polish Maidan in Lithuania”. In the interview Lithuanian politician bluntly stated that Lithuanians want to destroy the local Poles.

Mr. Narkevičius explained in the interview that, in his opinion, there is almost a forced Lithuanization of Poles in Lithuania, when children are forced to go to Lithuanian schools and speak Lithuanian in families. He urged Polish politicians to actively intervene in the situation in Lithuania and to provide help for the Poles of Lithuania because the situation will be better for Poland if the neighboring state will be stable and not in turmoil.

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