2025 m. vasario 8 d.


President Valdas Adamkus said that the European Union is betraying Ukraine

Paskelbta: 2014-01-28 18:26 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
President Valdas Adamkus
President Valdas Adamkus

The former president asserted that he sees that the very clear objective of Russia is to keep Ukraine separated from the western world and the European Union for as long as possible.

He put it bluntly saying that Russia has not even denied its imperialist goals and that it has sought to achieve them and will continue to. He said that he feared that Ukraine could suffer a similar fate as Lithuania in 1940, when the Russian army came to supposedly stabilize the situation in the country.

The former president was very critical of the European Union's position and actions, arguing that the EU, especially France and Germany, are acting hypocritically on the issue of Ukraine. Specifically, he said that while everything is okay, you are invited to join, but as soon as there are difficulties, they begin to fluctuate and look for excuses. President Adamkus stressed that in order to prove the contrary, EU authorities should levy some economic and financial sanctions against Russia. The President said that the EU should in general slow down any further cooperation with Russia.

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