The Government intends to create a law that ensures that the land for the trans-European gauge Rail Baltica would be purchased for market price. It is intended to prevent those who seek to profit from the venture. The Prime Minister explained that those who bought land and think they can make a profit will not and that the land will be purchased at a fair market price as set out by the new law. He went on to say that if the land owners are not satisfied, then they may appeal to the court, but the latter, he thinks, will be guided by applicable laws.
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Ten tigrinės krevetės
IP | 18:45:42
ne Baltijos tigrai. Šaldytos didžiosios tigrinės krevetės. ...
IP | 18:42:57
Paleckis tik RENGESI daryti nusikaltima ir jis uzta jau sedi, o mokytoja Astra nusikaltima ORGANIZAVO,ir tik lygtinai...