Lithuanian Social Democratic Party chairman and Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius denied the rumors that the Social Democrats had consulted with the Liberals and Conservatives about the potential formation of a new ruling coalition. He went on to say that the current coalition works well and will continue to succeed and he assured everyone that there is a general consensus and a common approach for dealing with problems and the implementation of strategic goals in Lithuania.
Blinkevičiūtė, Skvernelis ir Žemaitaitis tvirtai įsipareigojo Ukrainos pergalei ir atstatymui
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IP | 02:41:10
Kad tik LRT nepaveluotu atsibusti - lapkricio 5 d. pasaulis dramatiskai pasikeite…...
IP 2a00:1eb8:c297:d922:710d:eb02:4975:ac43 | 00:02:22
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