Lithuanian Social Democratic Party chairman and Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius denied the rumors that the Social Democrats had consulted with the Liberals and Conservatives about the potential formation of a new ruling coalition. He went on to say that the current coalition works well and will continue to succeed and he assured everyone that there is a general consensus and a common approach for dealing with problems and the implementation of strategic goals in Lithuania.
Naujausi komentarai
tas jook
IP | 17:26:53
apgailėtinas ruskių menkysta. Nepaeina jam kontrobanda,tai klykia kre...linis nesavu balsu....
IP | 17:02:19
norisi paklaust prokuroru ir LRT [email protected] seimo reiskia buvo riauses,o kas buvo Kijeve maidane?Taip skant,kieno Krymas?:)))Apgailetinos menkystos...
suskaičiuota bankomato
IP | 16:42:45
kad padengti propagandai panaikinamas lėšas iš USAID, būtina skirti 6% nuo bvp biudžeto pinigų....