2025 m. vasario 11 d.


Prime Minister says Lithuania needs a new referendum regarding the Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant

Paskelbta: 2013-10-17 16:45 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Photo by Gediminas Savickis (ELTA)
Photo by Gediminas Savickis (ELTA)

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius thinks that the people of Lithuania should be asked again about the construction of the Visaginas Nuclear Power Plant (VNPP). In other words, yet another referendum is supposedly needed.  

According to him, last year‘s referendum was only about the former plan, and, after changes in the conditions of the construction of the VNPP were made, Lithuanian residents should be asked their opinion again. "The referendum was organised regarding the specific previous plan with information on how much this construction was expected to cost Lithuania. Now, as you have probably have heard, the price is much lower than previously provided by the former government. So, I think, respecting the society, a referendum will be needed again, and we will have to ask the people,” Algirdas Butkevičius explained.

According to him, before the referendum it is necessary to "as clearly as possible inform the people about the nuclear power plant’s costs, conditions and benefits.”

The Prime Minister continued, "First it should be understood that it is necessary to very clearly say to the Lithuanian people what the possible costs are, what the potential risks are and what the requirements of the investors and regional partners are. The situation in the Baltic energy market, in what ways Lithuania is integrating into the Western market and energy system and so on should be explained. (…) I think that when everything is presented and explained to the public, a completely different discussion will take place, (...) the public reaction is measured and understandable". 

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