In December, the price of electricity provided from Scandinavia to Lithuania reached a record low. According Litgrid Representative Robertas Staniulis, this was influenced by a new electrical grid connection between Estonia and Finland, which increased the opportunity for the import of electricity from Northern countries. At the same time, it is likely that the positive effect of Scandinavia, where electricity prices are among the lowest in Europe, on the Baltic electricity market will be reinforced at the end of the year with the expected emergence of another grid connection.
Naujausi komentarai
Gyvojo Rožinio narys
IP | 11:56:33
Artėja 12 valanda.
Lietuva- Keturnaujienoje. Šiandien- 55 metai, kai Keturnaujienoje apsireiškė Jėzus Kristus. Dabar vienintelė pasaulio Bažnyčia aerodromo vidury. Prisiminkime šią datą.
Lietuvos tikintieji kviečiami maldai:
Švenčiausiosios ir Nekalčiausiosios Jėzaus Širdies Rožančius, 2010 04 ...
IP | 11:30:44
Geriausias anekdotas - didžioji dalis Lietuvos gyventojų pritaria......