2024 m. spalio 18 d.


The campaign for the presidency of Lithuania has apparently already begun. They are afraid. Of what and why?

Paskelbta: 2013-10-08 19:14 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Vitalijus Gailius
Vitalijus Gailius

In the spring of 2014 two candidates from the political power structure will compete for the post of the president of Lithuania, but the former director of the Financial Crime Investigation Service of Lithuania Vitalijus Gailius may challenge them, according to the web portal ekspertai.eu.

Although the primary political players have not officially announced their intention to run, it is clear that the competition will be held between the current  and right-wing supported president Dalia Grybauskaite and a leftist candidate, who is likely to be the current Prime Minister of Lithuania Algirdas Butkevičius. But for voters who desire change from the political corruption overwhelming the country, the duo offers no real choice, but only the illusion of choice, says ekspertai.eu.

If Vitalijus Gailius decides to run, he would be a powerful rival to those politicians. Recently Mr. Gailius won a court case concerning his wrongful dismissal, which the country’s current leader played a part in. This candidate could bring his expertise and willingness to address the core problem of the state - reanimating the broken justice system.

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