2025 m. vasario 9 d.


The Court of Appeals continues examining the Labor Party case

Paskelbta: 2013-11-26 20:59 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Viktor Uspaskich
Viktor Uspaskich

After a break, the defendants Viktor Uspaskich, Vitalija Vonžutaitė, Vytautas Gapšys and Marina Liutkevičienė came to the courtroom.

Both the defendants and the lawyers have doubts about the objectivity of the judges involved and their strange moves.

Meanwhile the Lithuanian Parliament supported the opposition leader and member of the Conservative Party Andrius Kubilius’ proposal to include into the agenda the issue of removing Mr. Uspaskich’s immunity from prosecution and to finish the formation of a temporary investigation commission.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Lithuanian Parliament Vydas Gedvilas thinks that the issue of forming the investigation commission on removing Mr. Uspaskich’s immunity from prosecution could be considered this afternoon during a plenary parliamentary session.

And how is Mr. Uspaskich supposed to make it to all these meetings?

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