According to the organization, the law would legally restore the rights of national minorities, which was agreed on in 1991when Lithuania’s independence faced a threat and which remained in force until 2010. The current situation, in the opinion of the organization, undermines human dignity and ignores the right of the citizen to use a native language in public life alongside the state language. Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius regrets that the issue of ethnic minorities in the law is so far unresolved and is waiting for the Constitutional Court's explanation on the matter. However, he also believes that there is too much politicking on this issue, which does not contribute to improving relations between the two countries.
Naujausi komentarai
yell...NATO go NACHO
IP 2001:67c:2628:647:11::222 | 00:13:08
kuo silpnesnis priešininkas/oponentas, tuo aršesnė sisteminių moliūsgų "kova" su juo :))) - geriausiai sekasi "kovoti" su moterimis, pensininkais, mirusiais , ir paminklais ..., - na dar su knygomis ir istorija ......
Pasirodė informacija
IP | 23:46:31
Donaldas Trampas įvedė sankcijas Tarptautiniam
Baudžiamąjam Teismui, kuris išdavė V. Putinui arešto orderį.
yell...NATO go NACHO to jooo
IP 2001:67c:2660:425:3617:ebff:fee4:6b47 | 23:04:37
:) - kokybiškas, selekcinis, "rūšinis" jumoras :) - respektulis tamstai ! - o "nuošliauža" ir "kartoninė durilka" žemaitaitis(sakyčiau makulatūrinė), išvis normaliai užvežė :))))))...