2025 m. vasario 11 d.


The Government’s Scandalous draft resolution for Lithuanian culture and art

Paskelbta: 2013-10-17 11:45 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Realistic future prospects for Lithuanian Culture. Photo by Romualdas Vaitkus
Realistic future prospects for Lithuanian Culture. Photo by Romualdas Vaitkus

Ekspertai.eu have found that Lithuanian Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis from the Lithuanian Labour Party prepared the Government’s draft resolution regarding the confirmation of the 2014-2016 programme to increase salaries for culture and art employees. It states, “The objective of the program is to in three years achieve a minimum monthly salary for culture and art employees of no less than 1732 Litas.”

According to official data, the vast majority of Lithuanian culture and art employees now receive a minimum monthly salary. However, starting the year 2016, for the full monthly workload they will receive 1732 Litas, that is 502 euros, and this is before taxes.

Lithuanian Minister of Culture Šarūnas Birutis from the Lithuanian Labour Party is a millionaire. There have been negotiations, accompanied by protests, regarding very low salaries for employees of Lithuanian museums, libraries, culture centres and other budgetary culture and art institutions. The government’s new draft resolution would completely assure and deepen the present and future poverty of Lithuanian culture and art employees even more.

Association „Global Gaze Network“
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