In a statement prepared by the Conservative party on the strategy of dealing with Russia, the party stated that Moscow's network of propaganda tools needs to be weakened in Lithuania. The document states that clear propaganda films, especially those which celebrate characters who committed crimes against Lithuanian citizens or the Soviet period, should not be shown at all. The document goes on to say that works of Soviet ideology should also be removed from Lithuanian public spaces and, at the same time, according to the party, the country should move faster and more efficiently towards the Scandinavian countries, because their "soft power" would help Lithuania move away from Russia.
Naujausi komentarai
NATO vienybė?!
IP | 07:50:16
Apie kokią "vienybę" čia kalbama? NATO šiandien, kaip niekad, vienose JAV teroristų rankose. Trumpas net to neslepia:"Amerika pirmoje eilėje" ir taškas. Kada jus praregėsite, niekingi subinlaižiai?...
IP | 07:38:39
Be Amerikos jie niekaip negali . Pasiklausius Paskovo kalba Ukrainoje yra iskasenu ivairiu , o atmintinas pasakitas buvo auksas , anglis ir t. toliau . Ukraina neturetu naudingu iskasenu , tai jos niekam ir nereiketu , o dabar draskosi is pasiutimo , iki kraujo.Kazin kur bus numatytas kitas Maidana...