2025 m. vasario 11 d.


The Lithuanian Government intends to consult Chevron

Paskelbta: 2013-10-15 17:42 Autorius: ekspertai.eu
Chevron is active in foreign countries, such as  Ecuador. Photo from businessweek.com
Chevron is active in foreign countries, such as Ecuador. Photo from businessweek.com

The Government is going to consult the U.S. energy company Chevron, which pulled out of the shale gas exploration and extraction competition in Lithuania amidst widespread protest in the country of the extraction process. However, when Chevron representatives will arrive in Vilnius has not yet been announced.

Evelina Butkutė-Lazdauskienė, a spokesperson for the Lithuanian Prime Minister, stated that while continuing the formation of a legal and regulatory environment for shale gas exploration and extraction, it would be appropriate to consult with the company Chevron because it, according to her, has experience in these activities in foreign countries.

The Government is considering a possible talk on the legal framework with Chevron representatives, but when the meeting could take place has not yet been decided.

According to unofficial news from BNS, Chevron Exploration & Production Europe Leader Derek Magness is expected to arrive in Lithuania in late October.

However, this information has not been confirmed by Ms.  Butkutė-Lazdauskienė nor by Chevron spokesperson in Lithuania Orijana Mašalė.

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