2025 m. vasario 7 d.


The Minister of Education and Science is considering the possibility of doing away with Lithuania's student “basket”

Paskelbta: 2014-01-20 14:02 Autorius: ekspertai.eu

Education and Science Minister Dainius Pavalkis has said that doing away with student baskets is being seriously considered. Lithuania introduced the student basket in 2002. The principle of the basket is that education funds are allocated to each student, and the funds are received by the institution the student attends. The earliest it could be done away with is from 2015. Mr. Pavalkis told Lithuania's News Radio that they would gradually do away with the basket methodology. He went on to explain that they had the first meeting of what and how they should do in terms of organization, and that they are planning to sign an agreement in mid-February. He explained that these proposals were in the government’s platform that they won the election with. He concluded that one of the principal problems with the basket system is the fact that baskets turned ​​the child into a commodity, which he believes is a demoralizing thing. In short, everybody wants the baskets to get the money, but quality then comes second.

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